Fatemeh Passandideh released

Publié le par Joseph Robertson

Fatemeh Passandideh, wife of Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani was released after four months of detention. Ms. Fatemeh Passandideh mother of two children had previously been the subject of a life sentence for apostasy.
Fatemeh Passandideh Was released October 11, followings to Trial Before the 12th Chamber of the assizes court of Gilan province, northern Iran.
The release of Fatemeh Passandideh comes ten days after the announcement of the death sentence for her husband Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani.
Judged Is 21 and 22 September last, The Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani WAS Convicted of apostasy 11th Chamber of the Assize Court of the province of Gilan.
The pastor's lawyer Youcef Nadarkhani has found serious procedural flaws in the case.

The Church of Iran is the subject of a unprecendented campaign of persecution since the advent of the Islamic Revolution. Several members of the movement have been arrested since October 2009, among them, pastor  Behrouz Khandjani, who is still in isolation in the sinister “plate 100” of Shiraz.
Observers said the elimination of religious minorities has become a national priority for hardliners.

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